Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break, birthday and more......

Well, we are finally moved and settled into our new home.  It has been a long time coming and seemed like the boxes multiplied as they sat in the truck waiting to move from point A to point B. I can not even imagine moving across country, across Tulsa from one suburb to another is hard enough.  

In the process of the move, the computer crashed (or became extremely tempermental) and so, I bought myself a new apple computer for my birthday.  I am still getting used to it and don't have any pictures loaded onto it, but at least I can get my mail and make a new posting (now that I remembered my log in info!).  

Everyone needs to cross the river and stop by for a visit.  It is really just a quick drive and we are learning new routes everywhere.  I never even knew how to get to Highway 75 before and now I use it daily (and I have lived here for my entire 37 years!).

Kids had to spend a few days each with Mike for Spring Break, so we will celebrate my 37th birthday a day late tomorrow.  Ashley and I did manage to eat at Zio's and do some shopping today though.  I even got a hair cut.  Time for something new.  Guess this has been a year of changes.  It has been almost a year now since Mike walked out of the door, so I have survived a year of being a single mom (even though the divorce is only two months old).  I have learned lots along the way, but probably the most important thing that I have learned is that I truly have some awesome friends!  They have all been a tremendous help for me this past year.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes today.  Can't believe that I am 37!!!