Thursday, January 15, 2009


I never actually thought that this day (yesterday) would arrive. But I am now an officially "divorced" woman. It was a bitter sweet day. I was sad as an ending had come to fifteen years of marriage. Something I thought that I would personally never see. As I left the courthouse, I felt like crying, that somehow I had failed. But, I know better. I was also happy that all of the craziness could be put behind me and that I could finally feel like I was moving forward with my life instead of sitting in limbo. It was a day to grow up and learn who I am (at the age of almost 37). Where I will go from here, I am not entirely sure. The only thing that I am still certain of is that my kids are the most important thing in the world to me. They are what it is all about right now and trying to make sure that they are healthy and happy. Right now, that is where my focus is. Making sure that they have what they need and helping them put their lives back together as well. It has been a long, hard journey, but we are embarking on a new (and hopefully better one) today. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us and sent us words of encouragement over the past year. We were blessed to have wonderful friends and family.


  1. Ann, I am just so sorry. A loss no matter how it happends still brings such sorrow. You can do this! We can do this! You're so right about our kids, they save us don't they. They help us to concentrate not just on the pain we may feel but the joy that we have in our lives. They help us look to the future with excitement. How will these little creatures grow, how can I help them become the best that they can? I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for my monkeys and I KNOW that you do too!

    Good luck friend!


  2. Ann, I know it must have been a bittersweet day. I wasn't sure how to "celebrate" or if it would be appropriate or how you would want to proceed. I am so glad for you that the ordeal is over, sad for you that you are on your own (but not really alone) and excited for you for the changes yet to come. My parents divorced...and here I am, kind of normal and very happily married. (even though I grumble now and then)Your kids will thrive simply because you put their best intrests first and foremost.

    Now, we'll deal with my "discovering" this blog through Becky and not hearing about it from you on Monday! My feeling are hurt!!!!
